*PLEASE NOTE*—“ISA Tile”—Clarification:
The following clarification is provided for a more precise understanding of the above-described "ISA Mosaic Tile."
Yehovah (Old Testament Name of God) of the Christian and Jewish faiths IS the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, the moon-god worshiped by the Islamic faith IS NOT the same as Yehovah God, the Creator of the Universe. Further, it is strongly emphasized that the name of the Muslim prophet, Isa, or jesus, DOES NOT represent the same-named Second Person of the Christian faith, Jesus Christ. The Muslim prophet, Isa, or jesus, IS NOT the same as Jesus Christ, or Yeshua (Hebrew Name of Jesus), the Messiah, the Triune Savior and Son of Father Yehovah. The Muslim moon-god, All-h, had no son.
However, for clarification purposes of the title of the mosaic tile, the name, “ISA, ISA", was loudly exclaimed by the Muslim curator at the very moment I discovered the mosaic in the museum depots of the Şanliurfa (Turkey) Archaeological Museum in May 2002. As soon as my flashlight beam shone across its surface, I immediately recognized the Facial Image of the mosaic as having derived from the Shroud of Turin, the traditional burial cloth of Jesus Christ, and which I have studied since 1973. Subsequent research concluded forensically that the "ISA Tile", as called, had served as the prototypic model for numerous, ancient classical depictions of Jesus Christ, as present throughout the Old World. The identifications were based on the presence of unique, individual characteristics present on both images, as well as other supporting factors. Most of the compared depictions included a “Christogram”, or inscription, e.g., “IC~XC”, specifically identifying the subject as Jesus Christ!
Therefore, the accurately expressed title during the momentous discovery, “ISA Tile”, explicitly and exclusively refers to what I saw and what is actually depicted on the mosaic; and that is, the FACIAL Image of the Risen JESUS CHRIST, Yeshua HaMessiach, Son of Father Yehovah GOD, of the Christian faith! HALLELUYAH!
God so loved the world that He gave His only son, Jesus, to die for our sins. Through His grace and by our faith and belief in Him, we shall have eternal life with Him. His Love is everlasting. Jesus Christ, our only Hope, openly invites people of ALL faiths, or none, to come to Him in sincere repentance and ask Him into their lives. "Thomas said to him, 'Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"(John 14:5-6-NIV). Make a personal decision for Him today, before it is too late! Your eternal destiny depends on it!
The following clarification is provided for a more precise understanding of the above-described "ISA Mosaic Tile."
Yehovah (Old Testament Name of God) of the Christian and Jewish faiths IS the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However, the moon-god worshiped by the Islamic faith IS NOT the same as Yehovah God, the Creator of the Universe. Further, it is strongly emphasized that the name of the Muslim prophet, Isa, or jesus, DOES NOT represent the same-named Second Person of the Christian faith, Jesus Christ. The Muslim prophet, Isa, or jesus, IS NOT the same as Jesus Christ, or Yeshua (Hebrew Name of Jesus), the Messiah, the Triune Savior and Son of Father Yehovah. The Muslim moon-god, All-h, had no son.
However, for clarification purposes of the title of the mosaic tile, the name, “ISA, ISA", was loudly exclaimed by the Muslim curator at the very moment I discovered the mosaic in the museum depots of the Şanliurfa (Turkey) Archaeological Museum in May 2002. As soon as my flashlight beam shone across its surface, I immediately recognized the Facial Image of the mosaic as having derived from the Shroud of Turin, the traditional burial cloth of Jesus Christ, and which I have studied since 1973. Subsequent research concluded forensically that the "ISA Tile", as called, had served as the prototypic model for numerous, ancient classical depictions of Jesus Christ, as present throughout the Old World. The identifications were based on the presence of unique, individual characteristics present on both images, as well as other supporting factors. Most of the compared depictions included a “Christogram”, or inscription, e.g., “IC~XC”, specifically identifying the subject as Jesus Christ!
Therefore, the accurately expressed title during the momentous discovery, “ISA Tile”, explicitly and exclusively refers to what I saw and what is actually depicted on the mosaic; and that is, the FACIAL Image of the Risen JESUS CHRIST, Yeshua HaMessiach, Son of Father Yehovah GOD, of the Christian faith! HALLELUYAH!
God so loved the world that He gave His only son, Jesus, to die for our sins. Through His grace and by our faith and belief in Him, we shall have eternal life with Him. His Love is everlasting. Jesus Christ, our only Hope, openly invites people of ALL faiths, or none, to come to Him in sincere repentance and ask Him into their lives. "Thomas said to him, 'Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"(John 14:5-6-NIV). Make a personal decision for Him today, before it is too late! Your eternal destiny depends on it!
Travel Photos from Turkey
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The entire contents of this website are Copyright©2018.PhilipE.Dayvault.AllRightsReserved., unless otherwise noted. Access to this site does not grant any rights to copy, publish, sell, license, distribute or use any included materials, including photographs, video clips, or text in any form or media, without the expressed and written permission of the individual copyright holder. Editorial opinions expressed are solely those of the respective author.